Single Origin roasted coffee beans





Increase your emotional intelligence.  Can coffee make you do better in groups?

A study showed that if you have coffee before a conversation it will actually make you focus better and feel better about the people you are talking to. So, if you are a coffee drinker, it looks like coffee helps you do better in group tasks.  This works for people that drink coffee regularly i.e. data scientists.

How about a couple of more years in your life? Could coffee extend your lifespan?

In a study of 9 million British male and female adults, coffee drinkers had a slightly lower risk of death over 10 years (10 to 15%) than those who didn’t drink it regularly according to study. Another study that took place over 10 years found that people who had four cups of coffee per day had a 64% lower risk of dying during the study than those who never drank it.

Why data scientists are not overweight.  Can coffee help you lose weight?

Data scientists are heavy drinkers of coffee.  According to a study out of the Netherlands, caffeine can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 11% and only three hours after you consume it.  Could that be the explanation?

How to rapidly improve your memory.  Does coffee help you with memory?

Business athletes need to remember so many things.  Coffee comes to their rescue.  In addition to making you more alert, coffee can help you improve your memory. The best way to reap the memory benefits is by drinking it black (no sugar, creamer, etc.,).   In addition to helping with memory coffee also can make you more intelligent, cleanse your gut, help your heart, and improve your workouts.  Anything else?

Stay healthy.  Can coffee help fend off diseases?

A study found that consumption of coffee (both regular and decaf) is associated with a lower risk of developing colon cancer. Another study found that coffee can have some preventative qualities against type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to scientists, it can even fight against the onset of Parkinson’s. wow!

3 reviews for Single Origin roasted coffee beans

  1. ohioisforlovers

    The aroma is intoxicating. It brings to mind the thoughts, “Now, THAT is coffee!” and “I MUST get my hands on a cup!” Quintessential.

    I never knew about the importance of single-origin coffee, or the impact upon migratory birds. I thought all the coffee chain hype was just advertising lingo. Now I am starting to feel guilty about all the regular coffee I’ve bought in my life. Ah, what price awareness?

  2. Maria

    I love the coffee!!! The aroma, the color, ….

  3. Moniquinha

    There is nothing like a freshly ground cup of Bird Amigo to remind one of the real truths about coffee…that no matter where we look, there is no competition to single source Colombian coffee. Having tasted for years all different kinds of coffee at home, including coffee beans and pre-ground coffee from Illy, and other specialty coffee beans from supermarkets, to hundreds of capsules of the two types of machines that Nespresso makes, I can certainly say that this is a complete change to our coffee routine, and a delightful start of a great and productive day ahead.

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